Faces and Landscapes
The Naked Souls
Send Me Your Presence
The Egg Hunt
Installation of Stones
To me, asking about the origin of life is a bit like asking about the origin of art.
Perhaps, at first, we can see the signs.
First signs of life
First signs, first traces, of art
Shards of gold on rocks pounded by the waters, as at the beginning of the world.
Traces of gold on the surface of canvasses, like naked souls on the walls of caves.
Faces and landscapes, fleeting signs of life, like so many pebbles strewn across the paths of the Earth.
If poetry is written in a language of signs, then it is from all these signs together that our world is formed.
A little girl can race against time.
Primeval signs can be written over the words of Paul Valéry.
Gold can illuminate our mineral world and the faces of the nameless forgotten.
The revelation of art is originary.