The daughter
After your mother died, how often did you go to the cinema?

The father
Sometimes three or four times a week. At least. It was escapism as far as I was concerned.

The daughter
It was another world.

The father

The daughter
Something to marvel at.

The father
Something like that.


Extract from the film les anonymes.
Emmanuelle Michaux – 2010

In 2000, Emmanuelle Michaux became a student at Le Fresnoy, the national studio of contemporary art. At school, she pursued her exploration of cinema as a medium, producing two works of fiction.

By looking at real-life shooting, she explores so-called “classic” film and questions the link between cinema, mimesis and narrative construction.

The two works were presented in 2002 at the Panorama 3 prototype fair in Fresnoy, curated by Christophe Kihm.